Delivery Platforms Europe first pan-European industry study on the value of flexible platform work to European economies and European citizens.

Commissioned by Delivery Platforms Europe, research institute Copenhagen Economics designed and implemented the first pan-European industry study on the value of flexible platform work to European economies and European citizens. The study, conducted by renowned research institute Copenhagen Economics, surveyed more than 16.000 couriers across 24 European countries and identified flexibility as the principal reason that the vast majority of couriers choose platform work. The study also finds that an EU-wide policy shift removing the possibility of flexible work could prevent up to 250,000 couriers from accessing platform work, drive up to 75,000 couriers across Europe out of the workforce entirely, and put up to €800m of income at stake
Please see the Full Study here

Delivery Platforms Europe position on OTC delivery.
Delivery Platforms Europe position on the impact of OTC last-mile delivery in European economies and its value for patients.

The emergence of delivery platforms has revolutionised local commerce by equipping merchants with e-commerce solutions and on-demand delivery services. Nevertheless, pharmacies/merchants and patients in many European countries cannot benefit from such innovation as a result of restrictive regulatory frameworks on the distribution of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. In order to bring the full benefits of local OTC delivery to merchants and patients, we believe it is necessary to remove existing restrictions.
Please see the Full Position here

The European Parliament’s position on the Platform Work Directive would create unprecedented legal uncertainty and risks capturing almost 30 million platform workers in a radical and unwanted change.

Delivery Platforms Europe has commissioned a legal assessment of the European Parliament report on the European Commission proposal for a Platform Work Directive. Benoit Le Bret, a partner at the Gide Loyrette Nouel Law Firm in Brussels assesses that the text adopted by the Committee for Employment ( EMPL) of the European Parliament ignores all basic principles of EU and national case law regarding the definition of independent workers vs employees. The position also goes against the wishes of tens of thousands self-employed platform workers (Copenhagen Economics 2021).
Please see the Full Position here
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